Thursday, October 20, 2011

Down Time

It's a variation of my own routine, and yet I'm overcome with disbelief. She tries to shove an ice pack under the seat, but she knows I see it and evades eye contact. There aren't any whites in her eyes, only veiny pinks engulfing all but the pupils. Crying 'til your eyes ache will do that for you, but going to sleep with a cold, wet washcloth over your face usually makes you convincingly presentable for school by the time morning rolls around. Balled-up tissues on the floor, traces of blood crusted on the edge of her nose, her sleeve is rolled up to reveal a blotch above her elbow, exacerbated by the ice pack to an angry neon pink. I ask how long she's been in the car, and she insists she's fine. I ask who did all this to her, but she keeps struggling to sweep the tissues under the seat and crack her lips into a smile. I know she doesn't trust me, and I don't blame her. It's not as though at eighteen you want everyone to find out that major sections of your life are out of control. I part my hair at the spot in the back that twinges as I test my fingertips against it, leaning the tender mountain of bump between the few inches of open window space she's allowed me.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

-a formal order under seal , issued in the name of gov.

-newspaper . eg The phoenix gazette
-(British) Official gov journal containing of gov appointments and promotions

-lead astray

-musical composition including three singers or instruments
-group of three

-accused , w/o proof

-examine thoroughly ; to probe one's conscience

-noun - official bulletin to the public ( kuh-myoo-ni-key)

-to be an omen of ; The news bodes evil days for him.

-approve , support

Scrambling to take
-rushing to take ; hastily(hey stily) move hastily with urgency .
She scrambled into her coat and ran out.
-complete struggle for possession . The children scrambled for the coins we tossed.

-refering to a phenomenon that comes before the other .
The returning swallows, those heralds of spring
-Proclaims or announces . A gd newspaper should be a herald of truth.

-untouchable; immaterial things .
-not clear to the mind, intangible arguments

-alot; more than sparingly; He howled aplenty when hurt.
-usually used after the subject it's mentioning; He had troubles aplenty

Forge links
-make of form links with . by concentrated effort

-involved ; usually in negative , incriminating manner
-connect / relate . The malfunctioning of one part of the nervous system implicates another part

-state of happiness ,cheerful.
-joyful feeling
-Their jubilation subsided when they lsot the second game

-noun (bot-l-neck-
a process by which a progress is being impeded . Networks bottlenecks occur at surprisingly low levels of utilization .

Saturday, March 6, 2010


1) Write down the things in life that matters to you and how you can make your days count even more. (1- 2 paragraphs, in complete, standard English)

2) Write down, in a paragraph, who you are thankful for- it can be a parent, a sibling, a cousin, a friend, a teacher, etc- and why you thank your lucky stars for this person/persons. You can be creative and write a poem if you want. This is not for CA. :)

1) I guess that the things that matters to me are my relationship with people around me . I've always wanted to be a perfectionist in communicating with people , wanting to improve my professional and socialstanding, learn to communicate efficiently and in a positive manner.

However I found out that a being perfectionist in communitcating will only cause barrier in engaging people in conversation . Once a question or comment pop up in my mind , I'll then think of what and how to react on it. This often caught me fixing over again and again , hesistate to talk or even causes me to make no comment at all . Therefore , I 've learn to "relax" myself in talking with others , and this works for me and both the people around me .

In addition , I felt that the desire and goal to enter ACJC made a matter to my life . I thought that a better enviorment for studying will be the one which is matching to my spiritual lifestyle. Anglo-Chinese Junior College is a christian school and it included a CCA that I felt that the 'skills' that I needed in my daily activities .In consider that being in this kind of environment would bring me closer to God and fellow schoolmates . I hope I can lead a lifestyle in order to honour Him .

2) God in Heaven
I Thank you that I've passionate teachers who are willing to give up their sleeping period for me and helping me through all the hard times I had.
I thank you that I've friends who are consistently supporting me when I'm down .
I thank you that I've the talent to sing and as to serve you with my singing ability on stage .
Last but not least , I thank you for giving me the wisdom to be able to pass my subjects which I could'nt have done it without you . Thank You .